CMPT302 Description and Outline

Course number - CMPT302
Course name - Intro to Computer System Administration Using Linux
Time and Location - Wednesdays 6:30-9:25, Fisher 112 (computer lab)


The purpose of this class is to learn more about the Linux operating system and topics pertinent to system administration on multiuser systems. You will be expected to install linux (or another approved operating system) on a computer and enhance and maintain it throughout the semester. You will be expected to keep some sort of written log/journal of the work you have done on your system and what you have learned. Logs may be collected periodically so I can assess how much you have learned and be sure that you are keeping up. Some readings will be assigned, but it is assumed that you will do other readings on your own as necessary. Two or three papers/presentations and one final project resulting in a paper will be required.

The only required book for this class is the O'Reilly Running Linux text. Many readings will come from the web. You should be familiar with online resources, including the Linux Documentation Project, located at Additional readings may be assigned from other texts, including O'Reilly's Learning Debian GNU/Linux, Learning Perl, Learning Red Hat Linux, Learning the Bash Shell, Learning Python, Linux in a Nutshell, Linux Network Administrator's Guide, Open Sources, and Understanding the Linux Kernel. Non-O'Reilly texts may include Sobell's A Practical Guide to Linux, Mann and Mitchell's Linux System Security, and Card, Dumas, and Mével's The Linux Kernel Book. If you are looking for linux resources, talk to me. A number of linux books are available in Computer & Media Services.

Grading will be based on the following: class participation (25%), log (20%), papers/presentations (35%), final project (20%). Please note that you will be graded on what you have learned during the semester, not how much you knew before the course.

I am putting together some reference materials for the class at
